Hypnosis Against All Harmful Viruses, Bacteria & Cancer

Roger R. Armstrong, Certified Hypnotherapist, retired.

Hypno Against All Virus Audio

Introduction to the Hypnosis:

Hypnosis to Encapsulate All Harmful Viruses & Bacteria

Hypnosis to Encapsulate All Cancer

Hypnosis works. This hypno suggests that your body 'encapsulate and eliminate any harmful virus or bacteria through the body's natural elimination systems.'

        The next waves of the Co-vid mutation Viruses are coming and science can't act fast enough to stop it..The Co-vid Viruses ( yes plural) are in action. It isn’t happening uniformly, for this Viral complex is mutating it's structure at different times in different areas across our country and on Earth. This is what this Viral Strain has developed to do to protect itself for its survival.
        This deadly Co-vid Virus periodically mutates into an insidious Bacteria that invades the body organs and segments of the brain. After a month or two multiplying, the bacteria changes back into a Co-vid Virus Strain to overwhelm the Host’s bodies immune system. It repeats this procedure until it totally overwhelms the bodies immune system and the host dies. The Co-vid virus continues this procedure until there are no more hosts on Earth. There appears to be no immunity in our mind-body to counter this Viral evolution..
        What about the development of life saving Viruses?. Unfortunately, the length of time before the Virus mutates into a new Viral form depends on the resistance it encounters. This prohibits Science from making a permanent vaccine in time to nullify the current or future Co-vid Strains. Different areas of Earth and the USA are not experiencing the identical viral strains that are on other areas of Earth. The Individual Viral Strains seem to go at their own pace, depending on the Resistance it encounters.
        Not a very positive outlook for our future, except that we always seem to find a way to defend ourselves from extinction. This time it seems to be Hypnosis that is able to save the day. As a Hypno-therapist, I looked in my wealth of experiences with illness (I am 90 years old, and a retired University Full Professor with a sideline of clinical Hypnotherapy, complete with Certification) and I found a possible procedure that would apply to these Viruses and bacteria.
        At one point in my life I was diagnosed with Cancer of the Liver. I didn't know how to develop an antidote to stop the Cancer cells from developing, so I thought of developing a Hypnosis Script that would encapsulate the Cancer and have my body process it out of the body through normal body waste.
        I developed a script and hypnotized myself to apply it. When I went into see the Doctors for further testing, the blood test showed the Cancer Cells encapsulated. The Doctors proclaimed this results as a miracle, saying that I could never get Cancer again. Since that time I have given that Script to six friends and each time the Doctors proclaimed a miracle had taken place. It wasn't much of a stretch to apply this same technique to the Co-vid Viruses and Bacteria. Due to it's mutating ability I thought it prudent to include all Viruses and Bacteria that could be harmful to the Mind and Body to be encapsulated (one script variation uses the words “captured and contained”) to then pass out of the body through the bodies normal waste processes. I put it in a computer Download off my web site for ease of access and it worked, providing an easy access to the Protective Hypno Script!!!
         All of my friends in my town and others I would talk to have successfully used the Download and are now forever free to the co-vid Viruses and Bacteria. Friends told friends and their friends told friends so the Download use is spreading, slowly, but spreading. One family played the download for their sleeping infant and “Lisa” is now protected.! Another friend had an extended family who was infected with the Virus and again the Co-vid viruses were encapsulated. Another flies a lot in his job and he has introduces the Download to the air stewards and they introduced it to the pilots. The download takes only ten minutes from beginning to full recovery of full awareness, so it is easy to take turns using the Download on a flight to cover all personnel.
        I didn't realize the extent of the Hypno Script until it dawned on us over the dinner table what the effect of the words “all Viruses and Bacteria harmful to the body” would have. The list of disease causing Viruses and Bacteria we made became very long. We went on to estimate how this would effect our lifespan; and we guessed our life span would increase to about 30 years beyond our normal life span, and possibly illness free. Who would have thought of the changes this will bring in Earths societies and the future challenges this will bring as we all adjust to the new paradigm.

Sincerely, Roger Armstrong E-mail: rarm3@97520.net

Please translate into non-English languages, translations permitted. Protective Intention Attached.